Pink Roses
Free Shipping on all orders over $100 within 5 miles

Pink Roses
Soft, romantic, and full of charm, our Mono Bouquet of Pink Roses is a warm and affectionate way to celebrate love, friendship, or appreciation. These elegant blooms are perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply adding a touch of sweetness to someone’s day.
Same-day flower delivery available in Los Angeles, including Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Glendale, Burbank, Inglewood, Culver City, and Pasadena.
Delivery will be calculated at checkout. We’ll send you a photo of your arrangement for approval before delivery.
Please note that flowers used may vary based on stock and availability, and the color of the box may also differ; if you have specific preferences, kindly specify them in the order notes.
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
How do you send flowers anonymously via Amelie?
When placing an order, simply leave the “Sender’s Name” field blank or write “Anonymous” in the special instructions. We’ll keep your identity confidential.
On average, how long can a bouquet last?
Fresh bouquets usually last 5–7 days, depending on the flower type and care. To make them last longer, keep them in fresh water, avoid direct sunlight, and trim the stems every couple of days.
How to send flowers to someone without their address?
Call us at +1 (323) 573 6657 to place an order if you're unsure of the delivery address. We’ll reach out to the recipient to arrange the delivery.
How to choose the right bouquet size when ordering online?
Consider the occasion and the recipient’s preferences. Our product descriptions include details about size, and if you need help, our team is always happy to assist.
When do people send flowers?
People send flowers for occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and sympathy. They’re also great for expressing love, gratitude, or wishing someone a speedy recovery.